The 2021 Instagram Hashtag Guide- Use Them And Get Your Result
Instagram hashtags are the combination of letters, words, numbers and even symbol. They are use to differentiate our content from other content. Eventually, they are use to segregate different types of content.
Why To Use Instagram Hashtag?
Instagram hashtag are the best way to increase your reach. Using hashtag will help you to rank on hashtag page and if your content perform well in hashtag then there are high chances that your content will rank on explore page also. ranking on explore page means you are coming in front of your target audience.
Instagram Hashtags are not only used in your feed post but it can also be use in stories. In this way whosoever see hashtag story can discover you easily. The best part is hashtags are clickable.
The best way to connect with the like minded or with same interest people is to use a relevant hashtag. In this way you can reach to more and more people easily.
How To Find The Best Hashtag For Your Brand?
1. Analyse Your Competitor
To analyse your competitor is really crucial because after that you get a idea what type of hashtags you can use to increase your reach. You will get to introduce with so many different hashtag.
2. Analyse Your Audience
You know your target audience very well. Analyse them which hashtag they use more. Check which hashtag they use, follow, engage. And use same or similar hashtag so that they can discover you easily.
3. Create Your Own Branded Hashtag
Having own branded hashtag is best. It will help you to increase your brand reach. The best way to increase your brand awareness is to tell people to use your hashtag.
How Many Hashtag To Use?
Instagram has given us option to use 30 hashtag in a post. So its highly recommended that one should use all the 30 hashtags but all the hashtags should be relevant.
There are many people who says that using all 30 hashtags looks spammy. But according to me, I use all 30 hashtags and that is always helpful to me.
You will be suprized to know that you can use hashtags in your story too. Instagram have given us option to use up to 10 hashtags in your story. In this way people who are engaging in hashtags can discover you easily. But always make sure you use relevant hashtag in your story.
Lets come to most interesting question now!
How To Use Hashtags?
1. Use Insights To See Which Hashtag Is Performing Well
You can view insights only in business or creators account. So if you have not converted your account yet so convert it first.
After converting the account you will get an option of view insights of every post click on it and check impression on hashtags.
This way you will get better understanding about your hashtag set.
2. Avoid Banned Hashtag
Banned hashtag are those hashtag which are now not use my anyone and instagram don’t allow you to use them. If you use such type of hashtag it means you are wasting that one hashtag space because there is no use to use banned hashtag.
3. Avoid Spammy Hashtags
Spammy hashtags are the hashtags which are not use in right manner. These are used for increasing engagement in an unauthentic way. These hashtags are like #like4like, #followforfollow, #followme, ect.
Using these hashtag will leads to attract fake and bot followers. And it will decrease your brand value. So always avoid banned and spammy hashtags.
4. Don’t Use Same Set Of Hashtags
Its will be better that you create a hashtag set of 30 relevant hashtag. So that every time you don’t need to research for hashtag. But the drawback in this is you can use a set for maximum 10 days. Using same set of hashtag again and again will decrease your reach. After a period of time the same hashtags stops working. So its highly recommended that you keep changing your hashtag.
5. Don’t Use Irrelevant Hashtags
Many people are confused that what are exactly relevant or irrelevant hashtag. See, its really simple the hashtags which are related to your content are relevant hashtag while the hashtags which are not related to the content are irrelevant hashtag.
For example, my content is related to a car. Then the hashtags which are i am going to use is #car #carsofinstagram #carswithoutlimits and if i use hashtags like #bike #bicycle then these hashtags are irrelevant hashtags.
Just keep in mind all the things about hashtag and start using hashtag in right manner.