Who is Digital Sneha?
Youngest women entrepreneur Digital Sneha. Well, everyone knows her but nobody her real name that is Sneha Bharti. She is a digital marketer with 50,000 trained student . Started her career long back along with graduation. This was not easy for her to manage all the things together but she did.
She belongs to a middle class family. It was not easy to convince her family to do all the things. She tried but her family was not convinced. Without letting know anybody she started learning digital marketing from some free courses, YouTube channel and wherever she can get free knowledge.
Her carrier was only possible because of his mentor digitaldeepak. She perused a free digital marketing course from him. But it was not possible for her to learn everything own her own. She made her own website but failed. This time she started affiliate marketing and again she failed. Again Sneha started building her personal brand on Instagram and guess what. This time she succeeds.
But still she was not a digital marketing expert and her only dream was to become a digital marketing expert and train student.
She wanted to apply for an internship but the invested was of 15k. She asked her father but he ignored. Through her personal branding expert she earned 15077INR. And enrolled in the internship.
That internship was life changing opportunity for her. Now, she earns cores per month and also trains students. She owned her own bungalow a few days back where all her family is living happily. She owns her own agency with a number of employees.
She is also a josh talk speaker. And soon she will be invited for tedx talks.
She go for a foreign tour every twice a year with her family.
Today she is the most popular influencer and YouTuber of India and soon will be world wide.